Tag Archives: Wedding DJ San Diego

29 park hyatt aviara san diego wedding reception photography 2000x1333

Park Aviara Hyatt | San Diego Best Wedding DJs

Newlyweds: Jennel + Tony

DJ: Earl Henry 


Venue: Park Aviara Hyatt

Planner: @lavishwed
Photographer: @linandjirsa
Makeup: @lysstalkmakeup
Hair: @joyahairdesign
Florist: @artquestflowers
DJ: @mydjsevents
Rentals: @aprboutiqueevent @thechiavariguys @chiavari_chairs_of_san_diego
#JefferSZN #FinallyTheJeffersons
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Ashley Scott 0004

Bali Hai | Best Wedding DJs

Bali Hai

True Photography

Oh Happy Heart Events
Tessfresh Flowers

Disc Jockey
MY DJs | San Diego

Photo Booth
MY DJs | San Diego

Tropical picturesque Bali Hai Restaurant, … With its sunny, floral, and tropical elements. Boats and Yachts line the shore amongst the sweeping views of San Diego’s harbor. Ashely and Scott’s sweet Bali Hai wedding, Shelter Island is on top of the list for weddings!

Ashley Scott 0097 Ashley Scott 0107 1 Ashley Scott 0108

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La Jolla Women’s Club Wedding DJ

Luckily, every couple getting married will have their own idea of what they want from their wedding photographs, and one style that is currently very popular is wedding photojournalism. Check out the lovely story by our couple Kara + Alex! Their SOCal Hawaiian themed wedding oozes their personalities. Courtesy of the amazing Gloria Goode Photography 

DJ Leon Elis, Rocked the house with the couples playlist and custom mixes.


Shortly after leaving Japan in 2013, he moved to California to become a highly requested DJ for weddings, corporate events, and the hottest night clubs.

lajollawomensclubbestdj sdbestdjlajollaweddings sdbestdjphotolajolla

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